You can upload your Transactions by going into any of your Holdings' and either manually inputting the Transaction details, or uploading a CSV file. If you choose the upload option you need to first download a template, and then complete the following fields for each transaction:

  1. Date (format: dd/mm/yyyy).
  2. Transaction type:
    1. Deposit
    2. Withdrawal
    3. Income
    4. Expense.
  3. Amount of the Transaction.
  4. Currency in which the Transactions occurred, by typing the appropriate currency symbol.

If you are uploading Transactions for a traded Position (found within Securities Portfolios, Crypto, Retirement Plans, or Precious Metals) the fields to complete in the downloaded template are slightly different:

  1. Date (format: dd/mm/yyyy).
  2. Transaction type:
    1. Buy
    2. Sell
    3. Income: e.g. coupons and dividends
    4. Expense
    5. Deposit
    6. Withdrawal
    7. Corp.Action: e.g. change of Units due to a Split action
  3. For Buy, Sell, Deposit, and Withdrawal transactions, Units and Price per unit need to be specified (the Amount will be automatically calculated by the system).
  4. For Income and Expense Transactions, only the Amount of the transaction needs to be specified (Units and Price per unit can be left blank and they will be ignored).
  5. For Corp.Action Transactions, only the Units of the Transaction needs to be specified.
  6. Currency in which the Transactions occurred, by typing the appropriate currency symbol.