30 Day Growth is the change in value of your Total Net Worth during the last month. 

Please note that if you don't update your valuations and balances regularly, this metric may appear larger than it really is. For example, if you bought a house for USD 100,000 five years ago, and only updated its value once, five days ago (to USD 110,000 for example), the 30 Day Growth metric will say that your investments have grown by 10,000 in the last month.

Also, because we do not ask you how you fund an Investment when you add it to your Holdings (therefore reducing a bank account balance for the same amount of the Investment), if you do not manually update you bank account (in case your funding bank account is not linked to Exirio) when you purchase a new asset, the 30 Day Growth metric will appear larger than it is. 

For example, if you invest in vintage watch worth 20,000 USD and you do not reduce the balance of a bank account for that amount, 30 Day Growth will show an increase of 20,000 USD.